Wednesday 23 May 2018

Ramadhan Goals for the Ummah

Ramadhan Goals for the Ummah ( for those who already achieved their individual goals such as reciting Qur'an, dzikr, daily donations etc)
- Do da'wah to your non-Muslims neighbours/work collegue (invite them for ifthar at your home)
- Invite new Muslims for ifthar with your group or at your home (new Muslims still struggling to fit in with the new 'world' of being Muslim, they can feel lonely, sad to feel alone..)
- Help refugees in your area ( Rohingya, Syrian, Palestinian etc)
- Help people with disabilities ( have tadarus with blind people, invite and accompany them to pray tarawih together with us etc)
- Involve with the campaign of anti - waste food
- spread or host a program for anti racism activities ( Ramadhan is not just about fasting it is also about community and humanity)
- Organize free food drive
- Spend several hours at the elderly house
- Distribute or host a food drive for sahur or/and ifthar for poor families, single parents in your area or your work place ( school,office,department etc)
- Spend several hours with sick people at the hospital in your area ( lend your ears,help them etc)
# OurcommunityinRamadhan

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